Construction referal booklet

The construction industry’s workforce referral service, known as the Carnet référence construction, will go into operation on September 9th 2013

The Carnet référence construction changes a number of workforce management practices. These changes are aimed at improving the industry’s transparency by guaranteeing workers right to work and employers managerial rights.

Use your Professional Profile to make the most of your chances of finding a job that meets your expectations through the Carnet référence construction.

For workers like you, the objective is to make it possible for you to be efficiently referred to employers. The Carnet draws directly from the Professional Profiles of construction workers in the CCQ’s bank. Therefore, the more complete your profile, the better your chances of being referred to a job that meets your expectations.

For associations nothing has changed, we will continue to refer your name to a future employer as usual . You will receive the same services as previously.

We have obtained a referral permit from the Ministry of Labor giving us the right to continue to propose members of our union.

Just like you, we have to go ahead with those technologies and registered on the online service of the CCQ.

You have received a correspondence from the CCQ with the instructions to register on their WEB site. We recommend that you register immediately.

Access the CCQ’S ON LINE SERVICES and get your PIN number quickly. If you have any problems you may call the client services in: Montreal 514-341-2686, outside Montreal : 1-888 842-8282, there will be a person to help you to complete your application.


Since each trade is subdivided into specific tasks. You may remove the checkmarks in front of some of them to indicate that you don’t want to be referred for jobs that involve these tasks. You may also specify other information like:

  • Your availability for work
  • Your preferred work schedule
  • Your preferred sector
  • Your mobility
  • Your level of experience in each task
  • The CCQ-recognized training that you have taken


Don’t forget you must register prior to September 9th 2013.

Laurent Talbot